

 ここでは、10日夜~11日未明にかけて観測された世界各地の「スーパームーン」を写真で紹介します。 2014.08.12 産経ニュース

【ブラジル】The supermoon is pictured behind the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro August 11, 2014. Occurring when a full moon or new moon coincides with the closest approach the moon makes to the Earth, the supermoon results in a larger-than-usual appearance of the lunar disk. REUTERS
【イギリス】A supermoon rises over Tower Bridge in London August 10, 2014. The astronomical event occurs when the moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit, making it appear much larger and brighter than usual. REUTERS)
【ギリシャ】The super moon rises in the sky in front of the Apollo's temple at ancient Corinth about 80 kilometers (50 miles) southwest of Athens, Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014. The phenomenon, which scientists call a "perigee moon," occurs when the moon is near the horizon and appears larger and brighter than other full moons. (AP Photo)
【マケドニア】People take photos as a perigee moon also known as a supermoon rises above a bridge over Vardar River in Skopje, Macedonia, Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014. The phenomenon, which scientists call a "perigee moon," occurs when the moon in its elliptical orbit is relatively close to Earth and seen from the Earth near the horizon, appears larger and brighter than other full moons. (AP Photo)
【スペイン】A girl plays with a dog as a perigee moon, also known as a supermoon, rises in Madrid, Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014. The phenomenon, which scientists call a perigee moon, occurs when the moon is near the horizon and appears larger and brighter than other full moons. (AP Photo)
【ロシア】A two-headed eagle, the national symbol of Russia, is seen in front of the supermoon as it rises over the towers of Historical Museum in Moscow August 10, 2014. Occurring when a full moon or new moon coincides with the closest approach the moon makes to the Earth, the Supermoon results in a larger-than-usual appearance of the lunar disk. REUTERS

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